
done and dusted objects

value display

btle geofencing / core location / identifying

Take action on a device like playing a video when a device gets close to the btle beacon or enters/leaves a monitored geolocation. Locating things is possible in three btle distance stages.

The beacon is usually fixed, the devices move. The device tells the user where they are. If you invert this then the device will show btle beacons passing by.

A well known use case is a japanese sushi restaurant that scans your tower of plates.

bt gyro tracking

Using the internal gyro- and accelerometer to send translated data over entertainment technology protocols like artnet, psn, osc and raw tcp/udp.

touch kiosks

Macs with 60+ inch touchscreens running some custom app. Onscreen keyboard, www-filtering, user customizable.

ambilight dvi>dmx pixelmapping

Yet another pixelmapper. Basic requirement was that one source pixel must drive n output leds which in turn must get darker to the outside. Or in other words: Big leds around a led-screen that should simulate an ambilight effect. Standalone, powerfailure safe, etc.

quiz game with ipads

Yet another quiz game. ipads in fornt of a led-screen and answer questions. Intermission mode with webbrowser and www-filtering.